Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Golden Strings Photo Op

One of our members, Alyssa, is home with a broken foot.  We had decided to wear our Golden Strings shirts on Wednesday and took this photo to tell Alyssa to get well soon.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Theory/History Int/Adv Cello Due 11/19

Theory/History Int/Adv Violin Due 11/19

Theory/History Int/Adv Viola Due 11/19

Theory/History Int/Adv Bass Due 11/19

Beginning Theory/History Assignment Due November 19th

This assignment is worth 100 points.  Due:  November 19, 2012
If you don’t have a computer at home, you can use the one in the orchestra room.

Know the BLOG –
NOTE:  Writing assignments always include:  complete sentences with correct capitalization and punctuation; your best spelling; your best handwriting; and answering the question posted in the instructions.
Billinghurst Orchestras have a blog that has (almost) everything you ever wanted to know about Billinghurst Orchestras.  This assignment is to help you get to know the blog and what you can find posted on the blog.
If you don’t have a computer at home, Mrs. Neidhold will let you use the computer in the orchestra room or you can do your work at the school library.
This is the link to the blog (you can also GOOGLE – Billinghurst Orchestras Blog):
Try to join the blog.  Were you successful?           YES                         NO      (If no, you can still do this assignment.)
You will see the latest post first thing.  Write down a quick summary of what the post is:

You can see on the right side of the page a heading called - BLOG ARCHIVE.  You can find older blogs listed in the archive.
You are now going to go on a scavenger hunt for blog posts.

1.       List two names of people who made the viola section of Junior Honor Orchestra                                                    (See September 2012: Congratulations to BDB students in Junior Honor Orchestra!)

__________________________           _____________________________
2.       How many separate posts are there for Junior Honor Orchestra (JHO) in 2012?  _________________
3.       How many photos are shown for Sammy’s Paper violin?_______________
4.       Go to December of 2011 and click “Plenty O’ Popcorn”.    Who was the top seller last year and how much did he/she sell?  Name:____________________________  Amount $_______________
5.       Look for “Solo & Ensemble Success” (I am not telling you what month it’s in, so look around.)  Name two people who earned superior ratings:  ____________________________    _______________________________
6.       Write about one blog post you found interesting.  Minimum of two sentence:

7.       What information can you find on the blog that you didn’t know was there?  (Complete sentences.)

8.       Show your parents the blog and show them one post that they might find interesting.  What post did you show them?___________________________________________Parent’s initials that they saw the blog___________

Beginning Practice Sheet Due November 19th

Due: November 19, 2012
PRACTICE SHEET Beginning Orchestra
Practice Sheet 1 * 2nd quarter
You should remember everything Mrs. Neidhold helps you with when you are tuning and playing.  Remember things like: 1. Sitting on the edge of your chair. 2. Tall head and spine.  3. Bunny on the bow (BENT THUMB!) 4. Straight left wrist 5. Fingers on the tips.

Write a check mark in when you accomplish each practice point only on the days you practice.
                                                            Write in Date:

Bunny Rhyme

Face Exercises:  25 Circles

Tip Taps: 10 per finger (bounce your finger)

Violins & Violas: Teeter Totter
Cellos & Basses:  Mini Rainbows

Bunny/Bow: 4 times

Ceiling Circles 10 times each way

Up Like a Rocket

MY FIRST TWINKLE - Play this song 4 times. 
Go back to rest position after each time and do PREPARATION over again.

KANGAROO SONG - Play this 4 times. 
Go back to rest position and do the PREPARATION after each time.


                                                Write in Daily Time:

You must practice 8 or more different days over two weeks to earn these grades.  Students who practice fewer days will have their grade docked no matter how many minutes they practice.
The amount of practice will go UP each Practice Sheet.
More than 81 minutes = Extra Credit       *70-80 minutes = A         *60-69 minutes = B 
*50-59 minutes = C         *40-49 minutes = D         *Less than 40 minutes = F (An F is better than a ZERO!!!)
Signatures are required for the grade.
Parent Signature___________________________________________________________________
Student Signature__________________________________________________________________