Friday, October 11, 2013

Advanced Theory/History Assignment 1 Q2 - C Major Finger Patterns

Theory/History Lesson 1 – Quarter 2  100 points                                                               
  Follow the directions –

WARNING: There will be a pop quiz over this!  If you copy off a friend’s homework you will BOMB the quiz.  K

You are going to spend a lot of time this year learning to understand key signatures and how that changes where your fingers go on your instrument.

C Major is the key that has no sharps or flats.  When you know the finger patterns for C Major you can use those finger patterns to figure out the rest of the keys and finger patterns.  The most important thing to remember about C Major is the natural half steps are B to C and E to F.  You must memorize this.
The chart below is your fingerboard with the lines for the standard finger tapes.  

Label these things on the chart:

1.       Write the names of the strings on the left side by the string.
2.       Draw circles for each of the notes on all strings for the key of C Major in the correct spots (on the tapes or between the tapes depending on the note.)  This will show you the finger patterns.  Remember, you need to make sure B to C and E to F are “touching” or half steps.  The rest of the notes are whole steps apart.
3.       Write in the names of the finger patterns for each string on the line for the string on the right side.


Now, you are going to write the notes for a C Major Scale.  Draw a circle on the spot for your lowest C.  Using the same finger patterns draw the rest of the notes up to the next C.  Play this on your instrument (we will play it in class).  If it doesn’t sound right you may have missed a finger pattern. Go back and check your work until it sounds right.


Draw your clef at the beginning of the line.  Write the notes (use half notes) for a C Major scale (start on C, end on C) on the staff below.  Mark a “V” between the natural half steps.


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